Język Polski

Monday, 31 July 2017

Non-cosmetic Favorites July 2017

Non-cosmetic Favorites  July 2017

As I promised in the previous post today will be about non-cosmetic favorites. If you have not seen cosmetic yet, I invite you to catch up - Cosmetic Favorites  July 2017

1. Narcos

Anyone who has not yet seen the history about Pablo Escobar produced by Netflix, I recommend to watch, you will not regret 🎥

2. HM Dress and Weymouth trip

h&m dress sukienka

In July we visited friends in Weymouth for 3 days. We spent a great time, the weather was good that's why I needed summer dresses. I bought for £ 15 in h&m lovely black dress which was comfortable, airy and I will definitely use  for a long time. 

This month I started writing this blog which I am very happy. Almost 1000 people visited from all over the world my blog for what I am very grateful and proud. I'm really thankful and I invite you to comment  below to can talk with you and get to know you more closely! 😍👪

Tasty bread a nice alternative for wheat.  It's of course, healthier than normal bread so good for anyone who wants to lose some kilograms. I recommend to try🏃

And what were your favorite things and cosmetics this month?
Please share it with me in the comments😗😁

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