Język Polski

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

New Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation Review & Swatches

New Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation Review & Swatches
New Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation

Recently, so many new foundations have been released on the market that's why it was hard for me to decide which one to buy. After checking the manufacturer's promises Urban Decay proposal appealed to me the most. If you want to know his pros and cons, I invite you to the rest of the post.

From Producer

A vegan formula*, buildable medium coverage foundation with a real-skin matte finish that lasts up to 24-hrs. Find your naked truth with Stay Naked Weightless Liquid Foundation. We designed this lineup of 50 shades with 9 shade intensities, 3 mastertones, and 7 undertones to dial in your precise color match. Our waterproof, longwear foundation feels like wearing nothing, thanks to a flexible formula that feels breathable, and moves with you (all day and all night, up to 24 hours!). It not only feels better, it even looks better with its stay-true color, which minimizes the appearance of pores—so you always look like you.

Urban Decay Stay Naked review swatches

My Opinion

My skin is: Combination, Irritate,  Spider veins, Dry cheeks, Oily T zone

Doesn't oxidize
Lightweight, liquid formula comfortable to wear
Nice matte finish
It doesn't emphasize the texture of the skin or pores
Doesn't enters into mimic lines
It gives a natural effect of healthy, even skin
Universal, suitable for a wide audience
It doesn't even require powdering for less oily skin
Doesn't emphasize the visibility of hair on the face
50 Shades
Lasting perfectly for a long time
Has a pump
After 6 hours it starts to gently shine on the nose
Doesn't separate
A travel-friendly plastic bottle that looks quite elegant
Even at close look you can't see him on the face, blends perfectly into the skin

Price - as for a not drugstore foundation the price is not that high( at a regular price it costs £28 but you can find discount codes and buy it for £23)
Medium light coverage that can't deal with any biggest skin changes

One of the ingredients is alcohol

Inefficient due to the fact that is extremely liquidy

Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation swatches

Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation compare shades to loreal revolution clarins maybelline

New Urban Decay Stay Naked  vs too faced peach swatches

Summary :  5.3 / 6

I must admit that I was positively surprised by this foundation. Meets almost every manufacturer's promise and looks very nice on the face. Releasing just a foundation with such a features made sense for the brand because now everyone, regardless of whether they like full coverage (All Nighter) or a more natural effect will find something for themselves among their products. It's really a very good quality foundation that if you do not have a biggest problems with skin can even be a great option for a wedding or such others important occasions. If I had to compare Stay Naked to some drugstore foundation then for me is improved, less like makeup and more like skin L'Oreal Paris Infallible Fresh Wear 24hr. It is a pity that I bought for myself too light shade because I would wear it much more often.

Are you planning to buy this foundation?
Do you like such a light, liquid formulas?


  1. Słyszałam o tej marce,nie miałam nigdy jednak żadnych kosmetyków Baker
    Podkład jednak bardzo chętnie wypróbuję na sobie ☺

    1. Jest naprawdę bardzo fajny, warto sobie wziąść jego próbeczkę jeśli miałabyś okazję:**Również pozdrawiam <3

  2. Qué chulo todo, lástima que para mí no utilice base de maquillaje... besitos.

  3. Love it! Need to try it out!


    1. If you have a similar skin to mine then you will definitely like it: D Thanks for visiting:**

  4. Great product dear thanks for sharing :)

  5. thanks for the review and i also heard a lot of good feed back with this foundation.

    INSTAGRAM: @julieann_lozada

    1. Great that many people agree with my positive opinion: D Worth to trying out"**

  6. Replies
    1. Definitely worth to trying out, I hope it would also suit your skin and needs:**

  7. this post is amazing!


  8. Nie miałam jeszcze tego podkładu :)

    1. Może będziesz miała okazję w przyszłości bo jest naprawdę fajny:) Dzięki za odwiedziny:**

  9. perfect product with wonderful effect
