Język Polski

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Make-up Accessories From Hebe 🖌🎨 Hit Or Miss?

 Review Of Make-up Accessories From Hebe
Review Of Make-up Accessories From Hebe

Hebe is one of the most popular drugstores in Poland, which not only sells cosmetics of lots of brands, but also its own Professional line. A few brushes and a sponge gets into my hands , so I invite you to their reviews.

The Hebe drugstore was founded by Jerónimo Martins in Portugal  1792 and took the Polish cosmetics market by storm thanks to good promotions and the Korean cosmetics section, which have many fans among European women. Currently they also sell their own brand Hebe Professional, which offers accessories for make-up, hair and nails. I have heard a lot of good opinions about the quality of their brushes, especially from my sister, so I am really glad that I finally have the opportunity to test some models myself.

Makeup Sponge 3D Pink 

Makeup Sponge 3D Pink review

I was skeptical about this sponge, but I must admit that I liked her very much. Has a "non-latex" structure and costs 14.99 PLN (around £3), so the price is really attractive compared to Beauty Blender or Real Techniques. Cosmetics are applied evenly and quickly. It's very soft so doesn't cause any discomfort. After soaking increases the size, but not drastically, so kind of like the classic Beauty Blender. It is easy to clean, I have her around 2 months and there are no signs of damage: holes, broken etc. so in my opinion it is durable. Her only disadvantage is taking a slightly larger amount of foundation due to this soft texture, but it seems to me that is the weak point of all "cheaper" sponges. Overall, I am very satisfied with the Hebe Professional sponge and I will definitely buy it more than once again.

Bamboo Brushes
 hebe bamboo brushes 02 review hebe brow brush review hebe eyeshadow brush review

I was wondering whether to write about each brush separately, but in fact I have similar feelings about them all, so it doesn't make sense. They are incredibly soft, made of synthetic bristles which works even for very delicate, sensitive skin because they really don't have the stiffness or scratching effect. They cost depending on the model from 17.99Pln (around £3.60) to 39.99Pln (around £8) and are only available in this color variant. It will be a great option, especially for people who are just completing their cosmetics kit because for a brush for example Zoeva or Mac, you need to invest a much larger budget but of course they don't look so luxurious and professional in my opinion. Bamboo handles are comfortable to use, but don't give them such a chic apperance. They have a number engraved on each brush that describes their purpose if you need such help. I never pay attention to the manufacturer's description and I just use what I feel comfortable for  hehe. When it comes to eye brushes, they take on pigment very nicely, with their help it is easy to create a quick, simple make-up for work or shopping. They wash well, nothing is falling apart etc. and the hair is still of the same softness level.
However about what I can complain is a bit too short handles, but maybe for some of you it may be a plus because thanks to this they easily fits into a cosmetic bag and takes up less space. When it comes to which brush I can recommend the most, it's hard to choose my favorite, however No10 I like the least. You can emphasize an eyebrow but personally, it's much easier for me to work on stiffer hair like Zoeva 322. Then I have a feeling of better control and precision but of course it is an individual matter. To sum up, I am very pleased with the quality of Hebe Professional brushes, they work really well, especially as a the basic make-up set, because for the mega advanced they miss the variety in models to choose from here.

the best cheap drugstore brushes

Have you already had any accessories from Hebe?
What's your favorite cheap makeup sponge?


  1. These look like good items. But I have never known Hebe!

    1. We don't have this drugstore in Uk 😥😥

  2. Bardzo lubiÄ™ produkty z Hebe;)

    1. A masz jakiegoś szczególnego ulubieńca? 😘😘

  3. Gracias por la recomendación a mi país no vienen esos productos.

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘

  4. Lubię hebe i czesto tak kupuję. Raz miałam ich gąbkę i bardzo szybko mi pękła i się zraziłam ;(

    1. Może dopracowali produkcję albo trafiłaś na jakiś felerny model:( 😘😘

  5. Replies
    1. I am really glad that you liked this post 😘😘


  6. I love the brushes! The bristle is bouncy, doesn’t absorb too much of a cosmetic. Instead, it easily spreads on the skin.

  7. Os meus pincéis para os olhos são desta marca! Adorei o post!
