Język Polski

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Huda Beauty Ruby Obsessions Palette

Huda Beauty Ruby Obsessions Palette
Ruby Obsessions review

Recently joined the next 5 color variants to the Obssesion mini pallet series. Of course, as soon as they appeared in the stores I bought one of them and I would like to share my opinion is it worth the hype or not? 

The Huda Beauty brand products attract me like a magnet, especially mini pallets. As for me, they have the perfect travel friendly size and perfect color selection. You can see that the author knows what is doing, tries to produce the best product that will meet current trends, has good quality and enjoyed the eye.
The Stones Obsession range of pallets contains 5 color variants in which everyone can find something for themselves.
The graphic design of the packaging corresponds to the color skim in the interior and each one adorns a printed diamond.

huda beauty All Obsessions Palettes
Huda Beauty has a really great aesthetic when it comes to packaging which always attracts attention. Each pallet costs £25 and contains 9 shades with different finishes.
I was really pissed off by Cult Beauty drugstore because they have a offer for new customers that after filling the questionnaire gets the code of -15% and 2 days before they added new Stones Obsession pallets I checked how much will I pay and the code worked but on the day of the release after entering the code I received information that the code now doesn't includes the Hudy mini pallets; /. As for me, very dodgy and wrongfully, I hate such a thing; /.

Huda Beauty Ruby review

For a long time I wondered which one to choose because as for me, except for Topaz each of them has something unique. Ultimately, I decided on Ruby because it seems to me that for these shades most often I will be reach and will be the most useful for me. Let me know which one speaks to you.
Ruby contains 4 matts and 5 metallic ones.
As you can see it has pink burgundy colors, so definitly screaming autumn.

Huda Beauty Ruby opinion

Pigmentation is really stunning! They definitely performance even better on the eyelids than on swatches. 

Very easy to blending  without fallout even for a person without experience, doesn't makes any patches. Metallic shades are so good that they don't have to be wet and you can apply them by your fingers.

Can stay without correction even 12h based on concealer, after this time slightly start to roll but not terribly

Of course, deciding on buying this palete we need to feel confortable and good in such colors. It's definitely a palette for people who want to expand their collection than those who don't have too many shades because  we will not able to make many different make-up in particular delicate on everyday .
Looks very beautiful in combination with gold, silver, purple or green. It will perfectly complement my previous obsession palette - Electric and I already have a lot of makeup in my head.

Huda Beauty Obsessions Palettes review

Swatches without a base! 
new Huda Beauty Obsessions swatches

I am a huge fan of Huda Beauty mini pallets. They have really wonderful quality and great colors. I will definitely purchase more because they are one of the best pallets which I have in my collection. If you consider buying them or not, I highly recommend you will certainly not regret it.

Do you have any mini palette from Huda?

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