Język Polski

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Neons and Pastels in Fashion and Makeup

Neons and Pastels in Fashion and Makeup
Neons and Pastels 2019

Do you want to be fashionable this summer? 
In 2019 trend on neons and pastels is coming back, what you can see already in the stores. That's why I have prepared for you a few cosmetic and fashion inspirations.

In Cosmetics
neon makeup
Link  Link  Link  Link  Link  Link

Definitely such saturated colors are must have for the summer😍

pastel makeup

If you're afraid of color in makeup then maybe pastels are the perfect solution for you. You can use them to make beautiful, colorful makeup but still not so ,,in your face''.

neon cosmetics lipsticks
Link  Link  Link  Link   Link  Link  Link  Link

pastely eyeshadow palettes
Link  Link  Link  Link  Link  Link 

Are these palettes not beautiful?

In Fashion

neon dresses

pastel dresses

Both neons and pastels are something that a lot of us like especially in the summer. The reason why is the fact that they are not difficult to stylize and very flattering, they add such freshness and girlishness.

neons hand bags jackets

As you can see much more often in cosmetics appear neons in various forms, but when it comes to the world of fashion definitely are dominated by pastels. For certain it is coused by production costs and customer demand. Personally, looking through my wardrobe, I can find much more dusty pink, mint than juicy bright colors. Interesting is the fact that according to the Pantone institute the color of this year is living coral but you can't see it as much in store offers as you would suppose. I was expecting a lot more variations and saturation of this shade, but maybe everything is still ahead of us.

pastel bags
Link  Link  Link  Link  Link

Please let me know what do you prefer on this summer, neon or pastels and
 what you have in your closet and beauty bag more?
What weather is in your city? 
Unfortunately, the summer left England and the whole week is raining; /🌞🌂


  1. Neony uwielbiam na kimś, ale dla siebie wole pastele :)

    1. Rozumiem, nie każdy lubi takie szaleństwa:D Sama jednak też wolę pastele :**

  2. Bardzo fajne te propozycje, zwłaszcza, że zarówno neon jak i pastele świetnie kontrastują z czernią :)

    1. Oj tak z czernią i bielą idealnie, można sobie dodać tylko taki mały kolorowy akcencik i jest super:):**

  3. Zdecydowanie bardziej wolę pastele ☺
    Neony w ubraniach jakoś bym u siebie zniosła,natomiast w makijażu (dla mnie ) nie są opcją dla mnie

    1. Jasne w pełni to rozumiem, każdy ma inne preferencje:***

  4. I'm loving the neon trend... my favorite!
    I just followed your lovely blog :)


  5. I do love neon colours, out of all the fashion things that come from the 80s, that's the only one I like :) I did buy myself neon green flipflops and a neon green silicone watch for the summer!

    1. Great that you like such bold colors, thank you for visiting :** <3
