Język Polski

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Review of the New Brushes - Real Techniques / Sigma / Nanshy / Wilko

Review of the New Brushes - Real Techniques / Sigma / Nanshy / Wilko
affordable brushes

Definitely a good quality tools are a must-haves to makeup looking good and because of recently I bought some brushes, so I would like to share my opinion about them, 
whether is it worth spending money on them?

Probably Real Techniques sponge and brushes know everyone, or at least heard about them. So far, I had only one blush brush which I love, so I was very tempted by this one to the foundation. I noticed that it is included in the Real Techniques Everyday Essentials Set <£14.95> which is much more profitable than a single brush <£7.90>, so I took advantage of the opportunity and Easter sales. This set includes:

a) 300 Deluxe Crease Brush / Concealer brush 
Real Techniques Concealer brush  opinion

It is a perfect brush for me to setting the concealer under the eyes. By using this technique I noticed that my fine lines / wrinkles under the eyes are much less visible, the whole looks much more fresh and smooth. Of course, it can also be used to making eye makeup or applying a concealer because it has a useful shape, size and is dedicated to both powdery and creamy consistencies.

b) 400 Blush brush
Real Techniques Blush brush review

I will not review it too long because I already mentioned about this brush before. This is the best blush brush for me but you can also use it to bronzer or sweep out face from the excess of powder.

c) 200 Expert Face Brush / Foundation brush 
Real Techniques Foundation brush review

I must admit that I have not been applying foundation by a brush for a long time hehe. It has a slightly different shape from a typical foundation brush, is much smaller and oblong. Applies the foundation quite evenly but definitely the whole process takes much longer than by sponge. Is this my favorite? Still Hakuro H51 wins for me because it seems to me that this one doesn't absorb the foundation so good, that's why everything doesn't blends perfectly with the skin, if you know what I mean.

d) 402 Setting Brush / Highlighter Brush
Real Techniques Highlighter Brush review

A very nice mega soft brush that can be used to apply the highlighter (gives a healthy subtle glow) and for example to setting the concealer under the eyes, sweeping out the excess of powder or just to make the eye make-up. Is a mega multifunctional, good quality brush.

e) Miracle Complexion Sponge
Real Techniques sponge review

I think most of us know this sponge, so I will not write too much about it. As for me is great but a little less durable than Beauty Blender.

All brushes from this set
Real Techniques face eyes brushes review

Generally speaking, I can recommend this set with all my heart. All brushes are unbelievably soft, have great quality and are very useful. As for the color of the handles, I like them although I prefer the two-colored as it was in my first blush brush, because this ones reminds me a little bit of a kids colorful brushes and they looks cheaper. I think that it is a great affordable option both for beginners and people professionally working in makeup. I am very happy that I decided to buy Real Techniques Everyday Essentials Set, it was well spent money.

Nanshy F02 Flawless Foundation Flat Top Brush Onyx Black
Nanshy Flat Top Foundation brush review

I was hoping that it would be a replacement for my beloved Hakuro H51 but apart from the appearance, there are no others similarities. The foundation is applying unevenly, smudges and seems to me that don't have enough bristles that's why spreads out a little to the sides. To make the whole makeup looking nice you have to put in a lot of effort. This is my first contact with the brushes of this brand and unfortunately they didn't impress me. If you were thinking about buying this brush, a better idea will be to invest in something else.

foundation brush shape

Sigma Beauty High Cheekbone Highlighter
Sigma Highlighter brush review

I've heard so much good about this brush and I wanted to have it for a long time. Sigma is not very affordable brand that's why price £16 for a one single brush is not shocking but is a lot for me. Has a great size, which we can easily emphasize cheekbones, cupid bow or under the eyebrow. According to the manufacturer's recommendation is as a highlighter brush and honestly speaking I used it for that purpose only, but of course everything depends on you and your preference. As for the application of the highlighter gives a really nice intense effect but do I really see such big difference? Not really. Certainly it is a good quality brush which will last you for years but I can't say with a clear conscience that is worth paying extra. It is more an option for a make-up artist or big make-up enthusiasts than ordinary users. Nice, good quality brush that I'm glad that I have but it's not a must have.

sigma highlighter brush shape

Wilko Eye Make Up Brush 
wilko makeup brushes review

I only paid £ 1.50 for this brush and I'm really pleased. It's great for applying eyeshadows on wet. It has a quite big size, so will be perfect if you want to apply only one shade onto the whole eyelid and it takes just a few seconds. It's worth to have a few of brushes like this especially if we like this technique. Currently, on the Wilko website they doesn't have the same brush on stock but it seems to me that the same shape also coming from their own brand should be of the same quality.

Do you share my opinion about these brushes?
Do you prefer Real Techniques or Sigma brushes?
Have a lovely day❣


  1. your photos are colorful...look so attractive.....

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Pedzle na pewo moga przydac sie do makijazu, dobrze jest miec rozne rodzaje, zeby uzyc odpowiedni pedzel do odpowiedniej czesci make upu:)
    Fajnie tez komponujesz produkty na zdjeciach z tlem i dodatkami:)

    1. Totalnie się z tobą zgadzam chociaż często warto samemu się przekonać do jakiej czynności będzie dla nas najbardziej odpowiedni zamiast słuchać tylko zaleceń producenta:** Dziękuję, staram się żeby zdjęcia wyglądały jak najlepiej chociaż długa nauka jeszcze przede mną hehe :**

  3. Ładne są tę pędzle 😍
    Niestety nigdy wcześniej ich nie znałam ,jeśli chodzi o pędzle do makijażu uwielbiam te z Ibry - są bardzo dobre jakościowo i tanie ☺
    Pozdrawiam i obserwuje ☺

    1. O to nie znam tej firmy, to jakaś polska marka? Dziękuję kochana, ja już Cię obserwuję od dawna <3

  4. Oh very cute brushes darling

  5. I need some new brushes! Thanks for the review! xx


  6. Mmm ja mam fetysz pędzelkowy, mam za dużo pędzli, a i tak kuszą kolejne :)

    1. Hehe znam ten fetysz bardzo dobrze:D A jaka marka jest twoją ulubioną?:**
