Język Polski

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Actual Working Setting Spray Is Not A Myth ?!

 Actual Working Setting Spray Is Not A Myth ?!
flower beauty vs urban decay setting spray compare review

Which one of us can't imagine now makeup without to use a fixer, moisturizing or mattifying spray, etc? In a short time they have gained a lot of popularity, permanently get into ours makeup routine and have stolen our hearts. I have the impression that, especially in the summer we appreciate a lot this make-up step which gives a pleasant feeling of refreshing and cooling.

I admit that at the beginning I was skeptical about the real influence of any fixing sprays etc. until I bought a Keep it perfect! from Essence about which I mentioned in the past. Since then I have understood all this hype and started to reach for different mist giving different results.

Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray
Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray review

This is probably the most well-known and loved by everyone setting spray that I also truly start appreciate. I noticed the actual difference when I use it and when doesn't. The foundation keeps in a great condition for much longer, looks fresh, not cakey and shines into the T zone noticeably later than normally. It is a great product if you have bigger event, date, party and you know that your makeup has to last for many hours. Does it cause any undesirable effects like clogs the pores or drying out? I must admit that I am not able to answer on this question because I don't use it every day, but rather occasionally. 
It's not a cheap cosmetic because costs £24 for 118ml ml or £10 for 30ml, so at firstly I don't want to go bankrupt because with everyday using it wouldn't last for a long time and secondly I don't want to  overload my skin. Don't lie to yourself, it affects on the durability of the makeup but doesn't contain any active ingredients that will have a positive effect on our skin, so I don't see any sense or need. 

Urban Decay Setting Spray worth the money?

Of course, each of us may have a different opinion on this subject and if you use such a sprays every day, then is fine. Has a nice atomizer that spreads the product with perfect mist, is neither too strong nor too low, just in the point. The only drawback I notice besides of course the price is the smell. As for me, it terribly stinks what personally disturbs me. The worst thing is that quite long this smell unfortunately last😕. Some time ago, Urban Decay has released this spray in the cherry fragrance version, so next time I definitely pick up this not the original one. In summary, is a really fantastic setting spray doing the job and fully deserves for cult status.

Flower Beauty Seal The Deal Hydrating Setting Spray Dewy Finish
Flower Beauty Seal The Deal Hydrating Setting Spray Dewy Finish review

Probably not the best moment of the year for a moisturizing setting spray when is so hot outside, but I would like to share with you my opinion about this product anyway. This is the hydrating setting spray then also protects from pollution particles from brand Flower Beauty which I discovered this year and I start to like a lot. Probably is not available for sure in every country, while in England you can get them online and at Superdrug. 
Costs £7.99 for 100 ml and is available in only one capacity variant but if you looking for more typical fixing option they also have such spray in their assortment. It gives an ultra-delicate haze which I don't even feel on my face, I met with such a mild spray for the first time and a delicate fresh fragrance.

Flower Beauty hydrating Setting Spray opinion review

 When it comes to how is working then is not so moisturizing to soothe an extremely dry skin, but thanks to that will also work well for others types of complexion. Foundation better blends into the skin, disappear powdery and heavy looking effect and at the same time doesn't make the skin oily/ shiny during the day what is really unique with this type of product. 
Very often it was for me a disadvantage of a moisturizing sprays that after a few hours my T zone was oily a lot faster than usual. It works great in combination with heavier, mattifying formulas such as Maybelline Superstay makes them looks more natural and more comfortable to wear. I like this combo especially now in the summer. When it comes to his power of prolonging the durability of makeup, looks good noticeable longer but not as much long as with using a Urban Decay spray. The second cosmetic from Flower Beauty and another hit, so I think this brand will be appears more often on this blog.

Is a pity that both sprays are not more affordable but I know that I also have followers which prefer a little more expensive cosmetics. Both work great in their purpose, so if you are currently looking for this type of cosmetics, I can recommend them.

Please, let me know what is your favorite setting spray at the moment?
Have a nice week


  1. This mask is really cool =) Greatings

    Great review, this sounds really good. I don't use setting sprays :D

    1. oK I understand, maybe one day you will have the opportunity:**

  2. I can keep this moisturizing spray for fall and winter :)
    Great products!

    1. I will definitely use it more often during this period too <3 Thanks:**

  3. Replies
    1. Oh great, this is a really great product <3 Thank you for visiting :**

  4. Die Marke kannte ich noch gar nicht, klingt klasse. LG Romy

  5. Oh very nice products darling

  6. Replies
    1. Ooo great that you agree with me, sweetheart:**

  7. I am very happy to hear that <3 :**

  8. I love UD All Nighter Setting Spray!
