Język Polski

Monday, 13 April 2020

Skin Care From Nacomi Review

Skin Care From Nacomi Review
nacomi opinion

Today we are taking a closer look at another skin care brand that I have been eyeing for a long time and I often see in other girls social medias. It is really affordable and collects a lot of positive reviews, so let's check out if deservedly.

Nacomi is a ,,brand of natural cosmetics made only from top quality ecological and organic ingredients. Draw inspiration from nature, healthy lifestyle and natural beauty. They are a producer and distributor of extraordinary natural skin and hair care products''. In Uk you can only get online or maybe somewhere in some drugstore in London but I'm not sure. Where I live, it's available only online: D. Their cosmetics, especially body scrubs and oils are really popular in social media and that's how I found out about them.

nacomi review

Clay Masks
nacomi clay masks review

nacomi ghassoul clay review

I love clay masks, so as soon as I finished my beloved from Fitomed, I wanted to try something new. They cost around £3.99 - £4.59 for 50g - 90g and they are really gigantic, so they take quite a lot of space but in the same time last for a long time. The packaging is cute with a simple design, which I personally like. The plus is the fact also that it is a closed container because often we get clay powders in a bag from which everything spills and gets dirty. As for the effects, both black and ghassoul honestly provide a similar result. The skin after them is cleansed, the pores are slightly narrowed and sebum production is reduced. This is not a wow effect from the first try, but with regular use you can see improvement, especially if you struggle with acne. Are these are my favorite clay masks? 
Definitely not, previous ones from Fitomed gave me even more noticeable results but for example they are better than the recently reviewed Beauty Bay or Loreal. If you are looking for clay masks in powder then it is worth giving them a chance even because of the price-performance ratio and quite good quality.

beauty bay clay vs nacomi

Nacomi Facial Peeling Smoothing Microdermabrasion Effect
Nacomi  Microdermabrasion review

This is my latest purchase from Nacomi. I usually don't like scrubs but I decided that I would give him a chance because maybe I would find a replacement for Pixi Peel & Polish in it. Costs £5.99 for 84 ml, so is an affordable option. The manufacturer promises the effect of microdermabrasion, but I have never had this procedure done professionally, so I can't tell you whether it is true. Has a very pleasant sweet smell like candies or yogurt with a forest fruit flavor which makes the application more pleasant. The skin after application is smoothed, soft to the touch and so much more full of glow and life.
It's dedicated to dry and normal skin, but I think it could work really well for everyone. Has very small particles thanks to which it doesn't give a feeling of tightness and irritation. Really it's very nice, cheap cosmetic that could easily lie on the shelf of a much more expensive brand.

nacomi scrub

Nacomi Collagen Gel 
Nacomi face Gel

It's definitely not as versatile cosmetic as the previous ones. Has a very sticky consistency of a heavy gel that smells quite intensely, so it certainly won't be the favorite formula of many of you. Costs around £6.07 for 50 ml. The manufacturer recommends it for all skin types but I am not convinced that would be good for oily skin, I don't think so. My favorite way of using it is as a make-up primer. Thanks to this sticky finish, the cosmetics ,,stick'' perfectly and make-up looks much more natural and moisturizes. I tried to use it at night but it was too much for my skin and when I woke up my face was so greasy, so I don't recommend this purpose. Generally, I would say that it's a average product that you can try, but will not dramatically change your skincare routine.

Nacomi face gel opinion

Sum up, I think this is a really cool brand whose cosmetics have worked very well in most cases, maybe I haven't found new Holy Grails among them, but I'm happy with each of them. I will gladly buy something from them again in the future.

Do you know Nacomi?
If yes, what are your favorite cosmetics from them?


  1. These look like great products! I've never heard of Nacomi, but I love how beautifully packaged their items are.

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Lovely that I could show you something new:): ** Regards!

  2. It's the first time I hear about the brand. I do like a good clay mask x


    1. What brand are you using from?Thank you for visiting my blog!🥰😘

  3. Replies
    1. Dużo bardziej jest popularna w Polsce chyba:**

  4. Such lovely products, I love the feeling clay gives to my skin <3


    1. Ohh me to:)Thank you for visiting my blog!🥰😘

  5. I like the different facial mask colours. I put mask every week as part of my self-care.


    1. It is definitely worth taking care of our skin, it can also be very relaxing :) Thank you for visiting my blog!🥰😘

  6. I didn't know the brand. It looks good

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment🧡💙

  7. Uma marca que desconhecia, e que me parece oferecer uma excelente gama de produtos!
    Tentarei descobri-la por aqui... quando o comércio de novo reabrir! No momento as lojas estão fechadas, devido ao Covid... :-(
    Passando para conhecer este cantinho, que adorei, e agradecer a sua visita no outro dia em artandkits.blogspot.com mas a que só hoje consegui corresponder!...
    Beijinhos! Tudo de bom, por aí!... E cuide-se bem! Sempre que der, cá estarei espreitando as novidades!

    1. You can certainly get their cosmetics on all kinds of portals like Ebay :) In UK, practically all drug stores already working normally :) Thank you for visiting my blog!🥰😘

  8. Z tego co widzę, dawno nic od nich nie miałam :P Bo nie znam tych produktów, jedynie wiem, że gdzieś mi wcześniej mignęły :P

    1. Czyli miałaś już wcześniej z nimi styczność? :***

  9. Seems like good stuff, but I don't know the brand!

    1. They really are, lovely that I could show something new:): ** Regards!

  10. Clay masks are definitely making skin softer, but I prefer charcoal masks nowadays :) Thank you for sharing!

    1. You probably have oily skin? I like charcoal masks but sporadically because they can overdry me a bit :( 🥰😘

  11. This is my first time reading about nacomi products
    But I like the simple packaging
    Thanks for share your detailed review

    1. Oh wow: D Great that I could show you something new💕💕 Regards!

  12. Collagen gel sounds wonderful!

    1. It is worth trying if from the description sounds like something that you would like :)💕💕 Regards!

  13. Thanks for sharing this brand. Would love to try this gel!


    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment💚💚

  14. Gorgeous post Hun, I love your photos! x

    Grace || www.gracelouiseofficial.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment🧡💙

  15. I didn't know the brand, but it looks very good. :)

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment🧡

  16. No los he probado pero leyendo tu reseña me han entrado ganas. Un beso y feliz tarde 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment🧡💚

  17. I love clay masks.. amazing pics..

    Recently posted...Best Ayurvedic Night Cream

    1. Me too, from which brand do you like the most? Regards 💚💚

  18. No conocía la marca, gracias por enseñárnoslo!

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment🧡💙

  19. Thank you very much, I try my best🧡💙

  20. Thank you very much, I try my best💚💚

  21. And what is your favorite cosmetic from them?💚💚
