Język Polski

Thursday, 16 April 2020

The Makeup Romances Tag

The Makeup Romances Tag / Eyeshadow Palette Edition
The Makeup Romances Tag Eyeshadow Palette Edition

Today I have something a bit different for you than always, namely the beauty tag. It seems to me that so far there have been no such posts on my blog, so it's time to change it. Such a relaxing, humorous topic is perfect for the currently extremely stressful period.

1. The one you’re in a committed relationship with 

It has to be a palette that is our must-have, which comes to our mind whenever we want to look like a million dollars and we know that we can rely on it. Definitely just such a palette for me is Nabla Soul Blooming. You've heard about this beauty many many times, so I don't think it's a surprise.

2. The one you’re still in that “Honeymoon Phase” with
natasha denona eyeshadow

The palette in which we are crushing on, have butterflies in your stomach when you use it, we don't see the bad side which in this case is obviously the price, which is still new and exciting. I love reaching for her but I don't know yet if it will end up in divorce or whole life marriage hehe. For me this is clearly Natasha Denona Sunrise. 

3. The one you “friend zoned” 
huda violet

The palette that I like, which has good quality and color story but will never be my number 1 is for me Huda Amethyst.

4. The one that got away
blush tribe hasina

The palette that I wanted to buy, I watched many times but always something stopped me is Hasina 2 from Blush Tribe. Has mega unique color story and I definitely appreciate it much more because of the purple part than greens. Usually, purples in palettes have more warmer undertones, which is why this palette is unique and stick in my head. Currently the brand has announced closing, so makes no sense to me to buy it anymore.

5. The one you’re currently crushing on 
the best rainbow eyeshadow

The palette without which I can't imagine my make-up life right now and I can't just stop using it, won't be surprise is Bperfect Carnival Xl Pro. Love since first try but I don't have it enough long to dethrone Nabla Soul Blooming.

6. The one that broke your heart  
zoeva palette review

Here the choice was very simple, I remember how I was eyeing it online, I was looking for swatches and I wanted to try this quality recommended by everyone until it came into my hands and I felt a big disappointment. This is what Zoeva Rose Golden was for me, and since then I haven't bought anything new from the brand and somehow they lost my interest.

7. The one you grew apart from 
mua palette review

Oh Mua Spring Break I used to use every day when my collection was not that big and I was honesty just to entering the world of makeup. I don't currently use it any more but have a sentymental value for me.

8. The one you’d have a fling with (but never actually date)
morphe green palette

Morphe Dark Magic I wanted to love, whose colors I like very much but is nevertheless too overwhelming and it is difficult for me to included her into my daily make-up, that's why I have not used it even once since the review. I had big plans but it wasn't work out.

9. The one you’re in a love/hate relationship with 
carli bybel palette

As soon as I think with which palette I have the love / hate relationship, immediately comes to my mind BH Cosmetics Carli Bybel. On the one hand, I love these shimmers but the mattes are not so spectacular and the colors selection are quite limited, too many shades are too similar to each other, so I have such episodes that I use it in combination with other mattes, then I'm starting to get annoyed and bored and it lies in the drawer again.

10. The one you gave a second chance
mini breaker palette

At the very beginning when I saw Jeffree Star Cosmetics Mini Breaker, I thought this color story doesn't appeal to me, this is nothing for me and then after a while I still bought it and we liked each other very much: D. Very good quality, beautiful purples and gold, I am really glad that I gave her a second chance and came into my life.

I'm not the author of this tag, I was just inspired by Lauren DellaFera who probably is its creator, 
so if you enjoy this post I encourage you to check out at her content and of course let me know what your answers will be.


  1. Haha this is a great idea! So which would you marry - the first as you are in a committed relationship with this palette? I checked your link for it - it is wonderful, I can see why it is favourite! :-D

    1. It's wonderful that you enjoyed😍😍 Nabla has really good formula and color stories <3

  2. Zabawnie przedstawione te paletki :D ja niestety takiego zestawienia nie zrobię bo za mało mam tych paletek ;p

    1. Ojj✨ W oryginalnej wersji dotyczy wszystkich kosmetyków:**

  3. I love eyeshadow palettes and the ones I see here have very beautiful colors and great pigmentation. I will consider them in future.

    1. We have a lot in common hehe💙💙 Thanks for visiting my love!

  4. Uau, que paletas maravilhosas.


    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment my love:**

  5. I like!


    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment:**

  6. So many pretty palettes! I love the Huda Beauty Mini Obsessions Palettes, they're some of my favourites in my collection xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. And which color option is your favorite? I am still thinking about buying Smokey: D

  7. Very interesting and complete, let's see if I dare to do it on my blog

    1. You can do about all cosmetics, not just eyeshadows palettes if you feel more comfortable:**
