Język Polski

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Elf Bite Size Palette

Elf Bite Size Palette / Worth The Hype❔❕
Elf Bite Size Palette review

Rather, I rarely decide to buy eyeshadows from drugstore, in the past I didn't have good experience, however the mini Bite Size collection has been very popular recently, all beauty community raves about them, so I had to check by myself about what is all this hype.

A series of mini Bite Size palettes contains eight color variants that all looks tasty. In them you can find more daytime, romantic, smoky and colorful options, the choice selection is huge and everyone will find something for themselves. I will admit that I couldn't decide which one to choose but eventually I bought Rose Water.

Costs £3 per 3.5 g. The packaging is quite minimalist, reminds me of Natasha Denona's mini palettes. Especially Cream & Sugar you can say that truly was inspired by Camel Palette.
They are really tiny, which in my opinion is their an advantage, they can be easily stored, taken out with you and will not last for next 10 years: D. Rose Water has one matte, two shimmers and one matte with gold flakes.

Elf new mini palettes review

Pigmentation is really great, but definitely this dusty rose matte will not be visible on darker complexion, the other three will be suitable for everyone. They stay on my eyelids all day, they don't crease and looks like much more expensive product. 

Shimmers themselves reflect light beautifully, so you don't have to apply them on wet, but of course if you want to get the extra glam effect then is worth it. They don't have fall out due to the softer, creamy formula, easy works together or with eyeshadows from other brands, so qualitatively they are really nice eyeshadows. I also didn't have any problems with rose matte but honesty these types of shades are always good, so this is not surprising. Darker matte can looks patchy, you need to put more effort to blend it perfectly.

The amount of different make-up that can be create by this mini palette is extremely limited, rather each time we get a similar look, so I would rather not call this palette self sufficient. We definitely need to buy other color variants or use the eyeshadows from other brands. When it comes to the color selection, their biggest disadvantage is fact that both shimmers on the eyes look practically identical, definitely this rose shade should be darker. I don't understand how you can in a palette containing only four shadows give two so similar, it doesn't make any sense. In addition, on each store website this color story seemed much cooler than is in reality, you can even clearly see what I mean on the pictures, which can be confusing.

Elf Bite Size Rose Water Swatches

Elf Rose Water Swatches and review

I think they truly worth £ 3 but they are not the best eyeshadows I've ever used. Qualitatively, I have nothing to complain about, but if I had to make a decision now, I would buy different color variant. I will definitely continue to use it, especially those metallic shades because they are really pretty. Will be great if next time they released such a mini palette only with this shimmers formula in various unrelated mega intense shades as an additional accent (violet, peach, pistachio, orange) or something more in a cool tone. If one of the color options appeals to you, you are looking for something compact or you want to start your adventure with eye makeup and don't break the bank at the same time then you will certainly be satisfied.

 Do you like such small palettes?
Have you tried the Elf eyeshadow formula?


  1. I like your choice. The "rose water" one is so pretty.

    1. I am very pleased to hear that, my love 💜💜 Regards!

  2. Beautiful colors. I like such small palettes because they are very comfortable :) i have never tried this mark :)

    1. Idealna żeby ją zabrać na wakacje:D Kiedy Uk wreszcie zniesie kwarantanne hehe :** Dzięki za odwiedziny i może w przyszłości sama upolujesz coś ciekawego z Elf :D 💜💜


    Me encanta.


    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment😘

  4. Rose water i cream&sugar najbardziej mo sie podobają :)

    1. Cream & Sugar też chciałam kupić ale była cały czas wyprzedana:D Dzięki za odwiedziny kochana:**

  5. The colors are fantastic and the price is even better!

    1. Ohh yeahh 💙💚 Now even Revolution is not so cheap anymore: D

  6. I have ever tried ELF's shading palette but never their eye palette. This one is so good, it has decent pigmentation! It's Berry Bad series , right? Should grab it as soon as possible!
    Anyway, would you like to support each other's blog by following each other? I have followed yours :)



    1. Berry Bad seems perfect for fans of warm tones 🧡💛 Of course, I will be loved to ❣

  7. The colours are lovely :-D

  8. I'm glad it goes so well. I like so much the colours

    1. They perfect to work, school, shop etc😘😘 Thanks for visiting my blog!🥰

  9. Collection of beautiful colors and views of the message evenly on the skin.

    1. A really nice palette, especially for such a low price: D Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, regards 🧡

  10. Bom dia
    Obrigada pela visita no meu blog, gostei muito. Lindas sombras. Bjs querida.

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment😘

  11. ¡¡Hola!! Lo bueno de su tamaño es que son ideales para llevar en el bolso o para llevar en los viajes de fin de semana. Y bueno, no serán de mucha calidad pero se ven unos tonos muy bonitos. Besitos.

    1. I totally agree, perfect for the upcoming holidays: D Thanks for visiting my blog!🥰

  12. These shades are so beautiful and pigmented. Thank you for sharing review.

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    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment😘 💛

  13. Adorei as paletas, e as tonalidades! Vou tentar achar por estes lados!
    Como sempre, óptimas sugestões, por aqui!

    1. And what is your favorite all time favorite palette? Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, regards 🧡😘
