Język Polski

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Overall Thoughts About Born To Glow Line & Concealer Review

Nyx Professional Makeup Born To Glow Concealer  Review & Swatches

I finished my one of the old time favorite concealers Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage, so there was a extra place in my collection for something new😄. I was wondering what to buy for a long time and I was tempted by many more expensive concealers such as Dior, Joue or Too Faced, but I had a lot of expenses recently, so I choose something more affordable, namely Nyx Makeup Born To Glow Radiant Concealer. If you are interested in how it works under the eyes and on the face, I invite you to today's review.

The Born To Glow line was launched in December 2019 and is dedicated to people who desire more radiant, healthy looking skin and a feeling of hydration all day.
The foundation for which I had high hopes turned out to be nothing special, so let's see what it was like with the concealer. Is it worth buying or not ?!
As for the basic information, costs £9 per 5.3 ml (so not that much capacity compared to others) and you can get it easily online and in stores distributing the Nyx brand such as Superdrug, Boots or Douglas. What surprised me a lot was the information on the packaging that it has a validity date of 24 months, while other concealers from my collection are from 6 to 12. Especially for people who don't wear makeup too often, it can be a big plus.

radiant drugstore concealer

I managed to get it on the offer 3 for 2 and I chose it as a third free product.
It's available in 24 shades, so everyone should find the perfect variant for themselves. The applicator is in the form of a sponge, something like Maybelline Instant Anti-age Eraser Eye Concealer which I am not a fan of, much more prefer the traditional wand solution which is more hygienic and looks more aesthetically over the time. The packaging is nice, fits everywhere, neat but is nothing crazy fancy. 

From Producer

Find your perfect match for a flawless and luminous complexion with the NYX Professional Makeup Born to Glow Radiant Concealer. Expertly formulated to co-ordinate with the 24 shades of Born to Glow Naturally Radiant Foundation, the concealer is designed to offer the perfect match, whether you’re looking to conceal, highlight or contour. Infused with micro pearl pigments, the concealer reflects light to help blur the appearance of imperfections and instantly brighten dark circles. The built-in puff blender allows you to apply quickly and easily, for effortless application and blending on-the-go. This radiant concealer will become a staple in your makeup bag. 

NYX  Born To Glow Concealer vs Maybelline Instant Anti-age eraser Eye Concealer

My Opinion

When it comes to how is working, unfortunately I didn't like this concealer. Has light coverage which I personally don't mind, but at the same time it looks dry, quickly gathers into mimic lines / wrinkles and is visible on the skin. It is quite unusual because usually such a light consistencies blends beautifully into the skin, but here the effect is unfortunately the opposite. I gave him a lot of chances, tried to use it under the eyes, as a base for eyeshadows and on the face, but unfortunately it didn't work in any of this purposes. It's a pity because I had great hopes, but for me it is one of the worse drugstore concealers I've had for a long time. If you are looking for a light, great under the eyes, I highly recommend Revlon Candid.
I heard a lot of positive opinions about the Nyx Born To Glow line, but on my combination skin it didn't work, I will not buy a foundation or concealer again and I strongly advise you not to. There are many other, much better and often even cheaper cosmetics on the market.

Nyx born to glow concealer shade swatches

Nyx Born To Glow Concealer Fair vs Revolution Conceal & Hydrate C2

Have you tried any cosmetic from the Born To Glow line?
What is your favorite concealers finish?


  1. I usually like Nyx products. I haven't tried yet that line of makeup but it looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Unfortunately, this line doesn't meet my expectations :( but everyone have different skin and needs 😘😘

  2. Replies
    1. Ja właśnie kiedyś też, a teraz co nie kupuję to jakoś mało mi odpowiada 😥

  3. Confesso que ainda não conhecia a marca... pelo que agradeço a sua opinião sincera!
    Beijinhos! Bom fim de semana!

    1. Here, dear each reviews are always honest, great that you liked this post 😘😘

  4. It looks good. I like NYX polishes :-D

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘

  5. Bardzo fajny wydaje się ten korektor, szkoda, że się nie sprawdził...

  6. Parece un buen producto. gracias por la recomendación te mando un beso

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘

  7. Skoro ma lekkie krycie to nie dla mnie niestety bo mam duże cienie pod oczami ;)

    1. No to kochana raczej się nie sprawdzi, dobrze kryjący jest z Revolution albo Loreal 😘😘

  8. Thats disapointing! I havent tried anything from NYX in a while but I used to love them! xx

    Danielle's Beauty Blog 

    1. Unfortunately, it didn't meet my expectations😥😥

  9. Oh, love the post! Happy Valentines Day!

    1. Thank you so much dear and for you too😘😘

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘

  11. I haven't tried it yet. Thank you for your honest review! :)

    ♡ ☯ ☮ P&P style ☮ ☯ ♡

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘

  12. The Born To Glow line is really pretty. Thank you for the swatches :) x

    Mari | www.dazedmari.com

    1. I am really glad that you liked this post 😘😘

  13. As far as I know, NYX has been innovative in its products, releasing many of the latest series.

    1. Great that you are also interested in the beauty industry 🤗🤗

  14. Thanks for your frank and honest review. It is good that you do not hide what you thought of it. I have to use concealers cos of pigmentation problems. I will try out Revlon Candid instead.

    1. Revlon Candid is the best concealer I have ever had, but don't have such a huge coverage 😍😍

  15. It looks good.i would like to try:)      

    1. Maybe it will be more suitable for your skin and needs 😘😘

  16. Thank you for sharing your review. Sorry it didn't work out.
    xx- Nina

    1. Unfortunately, maybe next time will be better 😘😘

  17. Miałam już ten korektor i u mnie też się nie sprawdził

  18. Oh so nice color and coverage

    1. Unfortunately, this line doesn't meet my expectations :( but everyone have different skin and needs 😘😘

  19. thanks for the lovely post! ♥

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘

  20. W takim razie go sobie odpuszczę :)

  21. Nigdy nie miałam produktów z NYX :P Teraz mnie kusi ich najnowsza pomadka :)
    „Zapraszam także do siebie na nowy post - KLIK

  22. Oh unfortunately if this concealer product doesn't work good on the skin.
    Thank you for your advice not to buy it and it turns out that there are other concealer products that are better cheaper and more effective on the skin.
    I will remember your suggestions and your recommendations about candid Revlon products
    Thanks a lot.
    Have a nice week

    1. Thank you dear, I am very glad that you take my opinion into account and that this review was helpful😘😘

  23. I love this concealer.Easy to put on. Nice bright finish under foundation.

    1. What is your skin type and needs? For me, is so so unfortunately😥😥

  24. A descoberta consiste em ver o que todos viram e em pensar no que ninguém pensou.

  25. Hola!! que buenos productos, siempre vienen bien.

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘

  26. I am really glad that you liked this post 😘😘

  27. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment 😘😘
