Język Polski

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Juvia's Place Afrique Palette Review & Swatches

Juvia's Place Afrique Palette Review & Swatches
Juvia's Place Afrique

Palettes from Juvia's Place attract me like a magnet, because as soon as I find a sale on them, I have to buy something immediately. Will Afrique join to the group of my favorite pallets? You will find the answer in the next part of this post. 

This is the fourth Juvia's palette that I have in my collection and certainly not the last one. Some time ago, when I checking current sales at online drugstores, I found the reduction of this brand, so I had to buy something, the problem was only in which one to choose. The Afrique palette was released in the second half of last year, so her purchase had the most sense considering my blog. 

Afrique Palette Review opinion and swatches

Contains 7 mattes and 5 shimmers. It has a smaller format than for example their 9 shade palettes, which even suits me better because these huge pans are damaged more quickly. It costs £19.95 for 18 g, but I managed to buy it for £15.
I was thinking about buying one more palette, but from what I've heard Juvia's is going to open its online store in Uk in June and it's possible that they will have even better deals because of this occasion.

juvia's place my collection review

Unfortunately, not all colors are  have the same quality. Rainbow matte shades like: yellow, blue and green are pretty dry in their texture and not so rich pigmented. They need to be applied several times to get a saturated color. The others resemble a standard intense and soft Juvia's formula

Only these three shades mentioned above are difficult. It takes a lot of effort to not be patchy and looks good, it's not impossible to achieve but definitely not experienced people in makeup will be struggling with them and hate this palette. As for bronzes they are easy to work with, blends beautifully and you can create with them a quick daily makeup. Shimmers can be applied both dry and wet, by finger or brush depending on preferences, but they already in themselves gives a beautiful metallic effect.

At first, this palette seemed very colorful to me but if you cover green, yellow and blue, it turns out into a completely daily, neutral palette. Only about what I have to complain is that the color scheme is not so original / unique. If we have other Juvia's palettes, then certainly we will find many similar alternatives, that's why doesn't bring much new to my collection. So far palettes from this brand I associate more with the extraordinary colors that are hard to find somewhere else but Afrique doesn' give me that.

Swatches without a base!
Juvia's Place Afrique Palette Review & Swatches

Juvia's Place Afrique Swatches

Afrique  eyeshadow palette swatches

Summarizing is it worth buying? Price is quite affordable, so if you like this coloring and you have experience working with different eyeshadows formulas then of course yes, but if you want to try Juvia's quality or you struggle between Afrique and another palette, for example The Magic or Sahran2 then I would rather dissuaded because is not so perfect. I don't regret that I bought it among other things because of the shades: Cotonou and Angelique- which looks beautiful on the eyelid, as highlighter in the corner of the eye or as a topper.

juvia's place similarity in pallets

What do you think about this palette? 
Do you like the Juvia's Place eyeshadow formula?


  1. Wow, it looks wonderful. Beautiful packaging and shades.
    Have a nice day!

    1. Oh yes, I absolutely agree with you. Thank you for visiting:** Regards!

  2. Amazing colours xoxo Cris

  3. piekne ma kolory :) bardzo libie ta firme

    1. Mają świetne palety, czekam z niecierpliwością na ich sklep w Uk i ogromnie Ci zazdroszczę, że u Ciebie są tak łatwo dostępni i przystępni cenowo:D :**

  4. Kolory są naprawdę imponujące!

    1. Ogromnie mi miło, że Ci się podobają:** Pozdrawiam!

  5. Algunos son preciosos. Saludos.
