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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Skin Care From Pixi Worth The Hype?!

Skin Care From Pixi Worth The Hype?!
pixi skin care review

From the last year Pixi has become very popular and I have even the impression that trendy. Their products are very often praised in social media and that's why I had to check by myself how is really with them. Is this only the impact of advertising or are they really have great skin care products?

As the first in my hands I had a highlighter from Pixi but unfortunately didn't impress me that much despite of great intentions. However, I realized that in the fact they much more famous because of skin care not makeup, so I gave them another chance and honestly I don't regret it: d.

Peel and Polish
pixi peeling opinion

You could see this peeling in my Past Few Months Favorites because is really a miracle product that had a great impact on my skin. But from the beginning. Peel and Polish is a peeling utilising natural fruit enzymes, sugar extracts and lactic acid which we leave on the dry skin for 5 minutes then by using water, rinse off at the same time gently massage in a circular motion by exfoliating particles. So far, I've never had this type of peeling before, was always either mechanical or enzymatic, the combination of the two is just perfection. Already after the first use, I noticed a huge difference.

the best gentle acid peeling

The skin is smooth, soft into the touch like a baby's butt and all dead cells are removed. Even this miniature with regular use has last me for a long period, so I can say that is efficient. His particles are small enough that they are not mega strong or sharp, so it will be suitable also for sensitive skin. This is really the best scrub I've ever had and I highly recommend to try! It's very rare for me to buy the same skin care product again but I already bought full-sized package, so it can only testify how much I loved it. I think it will be one of my skin care must haves.

Glow Tonic 
pixi tonic review opinion

I am probably the last person who tests this tonic because is so popular and glorified everywhere. I will not write about it for too long because you have already seen a million of reviews and I will not bring  probably anything new. Is a tonic formulated with 5% glycolic acid and a blend of aloe vera, ginseng and botanical extracts, which costs £10 for 100ml or £18 for 250ml. You can use it directly on the face like I prefer or saturate a cotton pad and sweep. What distinguishes him in my opinion from others is the fact that after applying doesn't give such a wet, sticky feeling but more kind of dry / matt. Thanks to which will be perfect for your man or for you if you don't like a sticky, oily coating. 
With regular use you can see a real improvement in the condition of the skin. Is more radiant, fresh, the texture of the skin is more even - small clots disappear and thanks to the fact that contains lactic acid, it slightly smoothes the coloring of the skin but doesn't make that magically all discoloration disappear. If you have problematic skin, then you can't count on such wonders only thanks to this tonic. I am not surprised why Glow Tonic is so hyped around the world because it is a sensational cosmetic and at the same time delicate for skin. Currently, I want to try a few more budget friendly options like Revolution 5% Glycolic Acid Tonic or The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution and only because of that I don't planing to buy a full-size packaging now. I will see first how they will work for me and then I will decide which one is the best.

Rose Flash Balm
pixi Rose Flash Balm opinion

It's a product that we can apply in the form of a face mask for the night or a thin layer as a normal face cream. I used it in both ways and worked really well. After leaving for the night as a mask makes the skin moisturized and smooth, although is not as strong moisturizing as for example after The body shop E, so it will be not suitable for extremely dry skin. If you don't like such a greasy sticky feeling and you want something moisturizing but at the same time light and not too heavy it will be perfect. As for me this is a perfect formula for summer but in the winter period I need something more hardcore. As for the second destiny as a face cream, I think I liked it more. 

pixi rose review

The skin is soft, smooth, moisturized and is not oily. It's also very good under the make-up, working well with every foundation I've tested with him, face doesn't shine more during the day, nothing like that happened and even looked more natural and didn't emphasize the texture of the skin. Has a nice light formula and delicate rose smell. In the regular price costs £26 for 45 ml, so this is probably the only reason why I will not purchase this cream again. If it was slightly cheaper then I probably would have bought it, but I can find a similar results in the cheaper options.

pixi mini travel set

Summing up, my opinion after trying these three cosmetics is very positive. If you are wondering whether this is a skin care for you, you want to start your adventure with Pixi, then Fast Flash Facial! is a great set that surprisingly last me for a long time. From all more expensive popular ,,Instagram'' brands that I tried like Origins or Kiehls, definitely Pixi is the best. I will certainly buy again their products in the future because I see improvement in the condition of my skin and they actual working.

Have you used Pixi skin care products?
Which one is your favorite ?


  1. Looks a great products.


  2. Tyle słyszę o tych kosmetykach zwłaszcza o toniku.. Ale jeszcze nic na własnej skórze nie testowałam. Ciągle sobie obiecuję że muszę w końcu coś wypróbować :D Pozdrawiam :)

    1. Też tak miałam i teraz żałuję, że zdecydowałam się tak późno hehe:D Jeśli tylko będziesz miała okazję to serio warto:):**

  3. Very interesting products! I didn't know about this brand :)

    1. Great that I could show you something new: D Thanks for visiting:**

  4. i love this brand! i would like to try these products!

    1. You really have to try this peeling, it's divine: D What do you like the most so far?

  5. I still haven't tried Pixi! So you're not the last person to try the Glow Tonic, I am! LOL. It's on my list though as I keep hearing such great things!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. Hehe :**I hope that when you finally try, you will also be satisfied :**Have a nice day!

  6. I love Pixi products but haven't tried any of these. Thanks for sharing your review!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Oh and what's your favorite? I will gladly buy something new:**

  7. Hola guapa. Tienes un blog muy bonita, ahora tienes una seguidora más. Besitos

  8. Thank you for the very useful review! I love how complete it is, this brand sounds very interesting :)


  9. Oh great set darling thanks for share with us

  10. Wiele słyszałam o kosmetykach tej marki. Muszę w końcu przetestować.

  11. Great post dear! Heard so much about Pixi products, but never tried them though.

    1. Definitely this is my discover and favorite skin care in 2019, so I really recommend giving them a try:):**

  12. Hi! I would like to tried those products. People are happy with the results.
    Have a nice day!

  13. Thanks for the review! I've heard about that Brand before, but I never tried it.

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you for visiting:) If you only will be have the opportunity then I highly recommend try Pixi:D:**

  14. Thanks for the review! It's good to know. I've just got my first Pixi products and can't wait to use these :-)
