Język Polski

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Disappointing Makeup Products Of 2019

Makeup fails from 2019

On this year, I didn't share that much products that speaking gently I didn't like and unfortunately not because there were none of them but I just had too many ideas for other posts, things I wanted to do reviews and not enough time. That's why I decided on such a summary list of my disappointments in 2019.

Marc Jacobs Under(Cover) Perfecting Coconut Face Primer 
Marc Jacobs Under(Cover) Perfecting Coconut Face Primer

This is really a huge disappointment for me because you have no idea how long I watched it in store before buying and how much I wanted to have it, after which it turned out to be totally not for me. This is not a cheap cosmetic but is unfortunately working very poorly. It does not give me any feeling of moisturizing, the foundation does not look or last good on it, I gave to this primer many chances but my makeup always looked unsightly. It's a shame because now it lies in a drawer and collects dust 💸💸

Juvia's Place Afrique Palette
Juvia's Place the worse palette

This is not a total flap, you can do a beautiful make-ups but it is not the Juvia's Place quality to which I get used to. I rarely reach for this palette and that's not what we want to ?!

Revolution Conceal & Hydrate Foundation
Revolution Conceal & Hydrate

I really like the original version of this foundation and it seemed to me that the hydrate line will be perfect for me, so something that will be moisturizing but also long lasting and unfortunately I was totally wrong. It looks really bad on my face that's why I haven't used it even once since I did the review. It is a pity that it does not meet the producer's promises because it could have the potential to be a sales hit.

Ziaja Enzymatic Peeling
Ziaja Peeling review

I thought it would be a nice cheap alternative to my favorite Pixi Peel and Polish but unfortunately is not. I gave him a chance many times but apart from the pleasant fresh smell there are no more advantages. My skin is exactly the same before like after using it, maybe is just too mild for me and I am already used to stronger acids. Let me know if you had this peeling what do you think, but I certainly won't buy it again.

Smashbox Photo Edit Trio Punked
Smashbox Photo Edit review swatches

I am really surprised by the quality of these shadows, the pigmentation is average but the price is high - £20. Good that I had this trio inside the beauty box in which the rest of the products were very nice, because if I spent my money on it I would be pissed.

Delia Vitamins A + E + F Face & Neckline Serum
Delia Serum review

Unfortunately, I can't say anything about how this serum is working because I used it only twice and it clogged me terribly. I don't know if is happens because of the ingredients or just has to heavy consistency for me but my skin definitely didn't like it. If you have a problematic, sensitive, easily clogging skin then better stay away from this product. I will finish this up on the body or cleavage but I will avoid the face: d

Gosh Boombastic XXL Swirl Volume Mascara
Gosh  Mascara review

My sister love this mascara and she gave me as a gift, the more difficult is for me admit that I hate it. As for the effect which you can achieve or properties it is ok but this brush is too big and totally inconvenient. Whenever I'm trying to do my eyelashes, I always stabbed my eye which makes me feel uncomfortable and pissed off. I do not know, maybe it is a good mascara, only I am such a moron.😁

Eveline Advance Volumier Eyelashes Serum
cheap Eyelashes Serum

I don't know why I bought this serum if opinions online were so-so; /. It is a product that we can use as an eyelashes conditioner or mascara primer but unfortunately it doesn't do anything on my eyelashes. I used it really systematically and they were neither thickened, increased volume or in better condition, nothing happened. As for second purpose, I don't use this type of products, the effect I achieve with mascara is definitely enough, so it is nothing for me. I do not recommend this eyelash serum, just waste of the money.

I know that theoretically one more month is left on this year, but even if I will buy something now, I rather won't have enough time to test something so thoroughly to call it a flap.
Do you agree with my opinion about these cosmetics, or maybe among of them is your favorite?
Please let me also know what products have not worked well for you on this year❔❕

↴Detailed reviews of these cosmetics

Marc Jacobs Review

Juvia's Place Afrique Palette Review & Swatches


  1. Thank you so much for your hones review. Now I can save money because I also watching that Marc Jacobs Face Primer for such a long period and every time I shop something else.

    New Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/11/selfkaire-kairetool-cellulite-remover_20.html

    1. Unfortunately it is not worth the price, you can find many better and cheaper primers :(:**

  2. Zaciekawiła mnie paletka. kolory zapowiadają się intrygująco.

    1. Kolorki ładne ale pigmentacja niektórych nie jest aż tak dobra:( Juvia's ma sporo innych lepszych palet:**

  3. I hate it when a beauty product lets you down. I haven't tried any of these products but I have tried the Conceal & Hydrate concealer and absolutely hated that too even though I have dry skin x


    1. Ohh bad to hear that, for me concealer was nice only the foundation looking really awful:( Did you like the original Conceal and Define version?

  4. Hola guapi, primero de nada te sigo... Y segundo me ha gustado mucho tus impresiones, muchas veces caemos en opiniones qué por colaboraciones luego son erróneas... un besazo.

    1. Ohh thanks my love:**I hope this post was helpful

  5. Thanks for sharing this! Sometimes it's good to know which products not to buy.

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

    1. And save some money hehe:D Thanks for visiting my blog :**

  6. Thank you for the Reviews! Great Blog <3

    lovely Greetings

  7. Szkoda że ten korektor MUR to bubel - chciałam go kupić ,ale dzięki za ostrzeżenie przynajmniej kasy nie straciłam ☺
    Podobnie z tą paleta Juvias Place Arfique Palette..
    Jeśli chodzi o "Kozie Mleko " Ziaji ,do tej serii mnie nigdy nie ciągnęła ,ale moja przyjaciółka uwielbia tą serię ☺

    1. Korektor jest dobry tylko podkład jak dla mnie słaby ale oczywiście wszystko zależy od cery:** O widzisz, dobrze że chociaż ona jest zadowolona:**

  8. Ziaja - ten peeling mnie tez nie zachwycił :D powiem szczerze ze moja skóra chyba lepiej się czuła jak tego nie uzywałam :D

    1. Nom moja chyba też hehe:D To już mój drugi peeling od nich i znowu rozczarowanie:(

  9. Każda rasowa kobieta wie, że najtrudniej wstrzelić się z najlepszym podkładem

    1. W tym roku miałam akurat dosyć podkładowe szczęście, próbowałam sporo nowych i tylko ten oraz Max Factor Radiant Lift mnie zawiodły, więc nie jest źle:D A ty natrafiłaś na jakieś buble?:*

  10. So surprised by the smashbox trio and marc jacobs product.

    1. Unfortunately, good brands also have some poor products :(

  11. Thanks for sharing your honest review!
    Kisses, Paola.


  12. Thanks for the honest review! Not many bloggers tell us what products NOT to buy. I like it.

    1. Such posts are really helpful and thanks to them we can save money or decide on buy something better: D They should be more popular:(

  13. tej bialej oczywiscie nie mialam :)

  14. Ah yes some expensive foundations do not work in particular if you have dry skin. I have used many expensive ones that looked cakey. I now only use CC creams.

    Allie of

  15. I haven't tried any of those products but I am glad now I haven't.

  16. Bardzo lubię ten tusz Gosh'a, aczkolwiek tuż po zakupie też miałam wrażenie, że szczoteczka jest za duża haha

    1. Hehe to gigant:D Ale po czasie się do niej przyzwyczaiłaś?:**

  17. Thank you for sharing about this experience :)
    Happy Sunday.

  18. Ile tu kosmetycznych perełek! :) Kiedyś regularnie używałam i bardzo lubiłam Eveline Advance Volumier Eyelashes Serum.

    1. Tak? Mi się niestety totalnie nie sprawdziło, nie było żadnych efektów:(

  19. Great reviews <3 I really like cosmetics from Ziaja company!

    1. This one unfortunately, wasn't very good for me :(

  20. it feels like we're being fooled, right?

  21. What a pitty about Afrique Palette, I was thinking on buy it.

    1. Ohh, better try with other Juvia's palette, though of course you can have a different experience then me:***
