Język Polski

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Juno&Co Velvet Sponge Review

Velvet Sponge Vs Beauty Blender
Velvet Sponge Vs Beauty Blender

I was wondering for a long time whether to make a separate post about the Juno sponge or just to mention in random reviews, but due to the fact that it was advertised by Nikkie tutorials, many people are still looking for information or have it on their wishlist, so maybe this post will reach to a larger group of recipients and you will find out the truth how it's really with this velvet sponge.

Juno&Co is a company located in San Francisco, California and was created from love to makeup. Their main goal is to create products that require little effort to give a self-confident look. This sponge gained her 5 minutes thanks to youtuber Nikkie tutorials (13.5mln followers) who admired her quality, the effect that can be achieved and she was the person who made many people, including me think that perhaps it is something better than a traditional sponge. All her uniqueness lies in the velvet material, not latex-free hydrophilic polyurethane foam as in Beauty Blender which sink in much less foundation and you can even notice during washing that it dries out quicker and doesn't get much bigger. Thanks to this of course we use less product, but it is unfortunately easier to achieve such a noticeable ,,face mask'' effect. However, if we match the foundation well, we can achieve flawless like never before complexion by using far less than usual amount. When it comes to coverage is actually higher but I would say that it's something between a sponge and a brush, which is her biggest advantage. I didn't notice any problems with the Juno sponge when it comes to washing or durability, I would say that is similar to the traditional one. Costs £5.95 and in Uk you can get it on for example Beauty Bay in few different shades and shapes.

Juno&Co sponge vs beauty blender

velvet sponge gives better coverage and effect?!

Unfortunately, as always it can't be that nice, smooth and has a huge downside, namely it causes that some foundations look much more cakey. I don't know how is working because, for example Too Faced looks best applied by Juno and has a creamier consistency and a heavier formula, while Revlon Candid looks great applied by a regular sponge, brush or fingers, but applied by Juno behaves like a completely different foundation. It is a bit of a lottery and a trial and mistakes process, you just have to test and check out what will looks great and what will looks really bad. If we choose the right foundation, the effect is worth it. I don't regret buying this sponge, however because I can't rely on her with every formula I still need a standard Beauty Blender. It will be a good option if you like to play with makeup, you need better coverage and you have patience in finding your perfect combination, but it will not be a product for people who prefer cheaper versatie solutions.

juno sponge the best to applied foundation?

Foundations that looks: 
Really good applied by this sponge                              Really bad applied by this sponge
It's Your Skin But Better CC+                                                              Rimmel Match Perfection 
Lancome Teint Idole Ultra                                                          Maybelline Dream Urban Cover
Max Factor Radiant Lift                                                                       Essence Stay All Day 16h
Revolution Conceal and Define                                                                       Nyx Born To Glow
Essence Camouflage 2 in1                                                               Nars Velvet Matte Skin Tint

Have you tried this type of velvet sponge?
If yes, please let me know how they worked for you.
Over time, I will of course update this foundations list, so if you are interested in a specific one and you know that I have it then stay tuned.


  1. Szkoda, ze nie współgra z wieloma podkładami :( Ja najbardziej lubię nakładać podkład gąbka

    1. Niestety nie z każdym się dogaduje ale z niektórymi wygląda meggaa:D :**Buziaczki!

  2. Często nakładam podkład takimi gąbkami, ale tej jeszcze nie miałam:)

  3. good product...little effort to look pretty.

    have a great day

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment😘

  4. Nice blog
    Now, I'm following you, can you follow me?
    Thanks ♥

    1. 😘😘I'm already follow you dear:) Regards :**

  5. Replies
    1. Maybe one day you will have the opportunity: **

  6. Parece bem fofinha!
    Um abracinho!🍀🌼🍀
    Megy Maia🌈

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment😘

  7. Não conhecia esta esponja! Parece-me uma excelente sugestão!...
    As fotos estão lindas! Parabéns! Beijinhos
